Well depends on the op and what my role is. I go prepared. I've only really been going to 24 hour or mil-sim games where there's no real intervals. I have a ghetto fab H-harness with my pistol, double pistol mag pouch and two double stack M4 pouches and a dump pouch. I have that on me at all times.
I run gas most of the time so to get 300 rounds I need ten mags.
For a chest rig (CIRAS or RRV) I have a double stack triple taco. Maxpedition admin pouch another double pistol pouch usually with pistol mags or smoke. Radio pouch and PTT threaded through the molle, a med kit with enough boo boo gear to treat up to but not including a sucking wound . Enough pain killers to put down a horse. MBSS on the back of a blatter and some snacks.
In the admin pouch I would have my pocket knife (SOG Flash tanto), my Leatherman MUT, Map, key notes, radio call card, phone, Spare contacts, small bottle of contact fluid. Baggie with some zip ties and a couple jewlers screwdrivers and allen keys.
That's what I have on me Don't ask what's in my Coyote pack.
“We sleep safe in our beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit violence on those who would do us harm.”
George Orwell
To those Rough men... Thank You.