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Old February 25th, 2013, 20:57   #333
e-luder's Avatar
Join Date: Aug 2011
Location: Centre Mass
Originally Posted by Danke View Post
A set of small needle nose pliers or a hemostat is the perfect thing for the mag catch spring.
He could just use his hands.
That spring isn't that strong...

I got it in after I cut it.

Still just having problems putting in the magazine catch spring. Some other guy said it took him 3 days >.<

Wish it was as simple as the KSC mag spring.

Other than that my build is complete.
Three days is a bit long...
What are you having trouble with when you install it? You haven't actually given us why it's so difficult for you to install. lol.

But basically, what Turok_T said. There will be a ridge on the frame for that spring to sit on/in. Make sure that the longer side of the spring is the one towards the magazine catch that you press on. Not the other way. Then just simply use your index finger to crimp the longer side of the spring and hook it unto the magazine catch. There will be a cut out on the catch for the longer side of the spring to latch onto...
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