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Old February 10th, 2013, 16:10   #11
Kos-Mos's Avatar
Join Date: Nov 2005
Location: LĂ©vis (QC)

I am using my rifles in winter. And the only one that works A1 is the SCAR.
Also, if you plan on using GBBRs at low temperatures (read 10c or lower), NO UPGRADES.

I used to have 8 CO2 mags. Sold them all. What ever the temperature, FPS will greatly vary from shot to shot. Propane has more issues at low temperatur, but as long it stays the same, FPS will also be stable across all shots. And that is the important thing.

For example, I played yesterday. -21c
I was able to get around 20 shots out of my mags on propane.
My friend has the RATech steel bolt and trigger pack. He can't fire 3 shots.
Last year, around the same time, I played a game, again -20ish C.
I could not adjust my hop-up as every shot was different, I was not able to get a stable FPS. Some shots where 300 while some where 420. And that is the same rifle, no changes of parts other than the mags.

Last advice, DO NOT UPGRADE. Leave your gun stock. It won't break unless you never do maintenance and abuse your gun. When it breaks, install stock parts. There is always plenty of spares around because people do not listen to this advice, and upgrade/sell the stock parts.

See my friend's example above, he has an HK416 with RATech steel bolt and RATech trigger kit. My comparison gun was an M4 CQBR with no upgrades other than NPAS.
Originally Posted by Drake View Post
Damnit, don't make me add "no discussing temporal paradoxes" to the rules or I'll go back in time and ban you last week.
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