Thread: Ashamed.
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Old February 2nd, 2013, 12:21   #22
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Originally Posted by mzo View Post
You do have guys with tacticool blackguns who think they are navy seals and look down on everyone else and you have tacticool blackgun owners who care about the firearms community and are very helpful and respectful people.
That's exactly what I'm trying to say. Usually if they're at least somewhat interested in different disciplines they're cool. Then others who are just dicks that think that only blackguns are the best and can't see others point of view.

Really they need to use the right tool for the right application. Varmint hunting gophers with a .308 will get expensive fast, instead .22LR is cheap and easily available and you should be able to hunt pests all day.

It's like with HD riders vs everyone else (yeah I know "it's not a bike it's a Harley" and "it's not a bike, it's a lifestyle"). But they even look down on Buell riders (Erik Buell took HD Sportster V-twins and put it in his bikes). That's like a tacticool blackgun owner looking down on someone with a plain Jane varmint hunter AR, it's the same gun just in a different configuration.
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