Thread: how serious?
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Old February 1st, 2013, 17:05   #17
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Join Date: Jul 2011
Location: Somewhere between Hamilton Ontario, and Hell..
Originally Posted by QUATTROISKING View Post
Not to hate on anyone, this is my personal opinion. I have a full swat loadout, but I will never! Ever wear or buy a Tac helmet, I would feel like a child dressing up.
But don't mind other people wearing them. I'm one of those people that always feels like everyone is always looking at me and judging me. But to each there own.

I've got a couple helmets - plastic PAGST with a buncha covers for various camos, a MICH with cover for airpat (ATACS FG lol..) and black FAST tactical helmet.

I don't use the FAST for airsoft.. somewhat like you, i'd feel pretty much dweebed out wearing the thing with an airsoft rifle in hand. It does however, rock for mountain-biking - particularly night mountain-biking with all it's lighting bells and whistles added on. I prefer the more traditional styled helmets for airsoft, i guess.

As for what others think of what i'm wearing/looking like .. feck 'em. My life to live, the way i want to live it. Unless they are married to ya.. no need to worry about judgements being made.
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