M14 Brands/ M14 owners help
Hello I plan in the future on getting a M14 Full length doing some research I found
CYMA M14 not to bad tons of grease in the gearbox/ Slow ROF / Motor Wires soldered on
Echo 1 - Is supposed to be a "rebrand" thats I hear echo1 is of CYMA .. with some Upped Parts and 2 Hi Caps
Classic Army - I found to be alright I just dont like the different color on the heat shield ( Its two colors)
G&G - Has a functioning bolt catch. Tight Bore.. Expensive Magazines
G&P Probably the best m14 but I dont like the hand grip not my style
Tokyo Marui - Dont want to spend that much ..
Any body own any m14s from these brands what are your thoughts.
Would it be better to go with a cheaper brand CYMA, ECHO1 and upgrade it
Or go G&G but the problem with that is expensive magazines... Bolt Catch is nice but not a necessity
Anyways thoughts, comments suggestions
Thank you
Last edited by MatthewRyan; January 30th, 2013 at 03:31..