Originally Posted by shadow_matter
I wanted a lightweight DMR style AEG that could collapse down when slung. I had an MP5 on hand and came up with this. Used shorty mags so it could be shouldered comfortably when prone.
469mm tightbore (G3-SG1 length), Lipo and mosfet for Semi-Auto trigger. 425-435fps.
SAPS (Semi Auto Precision Subgun)

Shadow_matter really like your MP5 DMR (SAPS) and was wondering if you can give me some tips so I can do something similar to my MP5.
I do not know anything about upgrading the internals of an airsoft gun and very little about externals but I do have some questions (hopefully they make sense).
Is it possible to have a gun doc install a longer (and tightbore) barrel on my CYMA MP5J (CM.041J)?
I would also add a mosfet and deans connectors, but do I need to modify anything else to make the MP5 function with a longer barrel?