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Old January 24th, 2013, 23:34   #1076
Can't Aim worth a damn!! old lady gives me heck for missing the toilet all the time.
ARC-74's Avatar
Join Date: Apr 2011
Location: Montreal area & Tatooine
Real steel E2 grip conversion kit.
Kit contained - grip(duh), decocking lever, shorter main spring housing, long hammer strut and a tool to remove the grips.
Not a perfect fit, but after some dremeling to the inside of the grip and reducing the diameter of the frame grip bushings? ,it snapped into place. Real decocking lever works well, even though it doesn't extend as far into the frame as the original TM lever. I reshaped the top of the RS hammer strut to match the profile of the TM part. The strut also needed thinning down to move freely in the frame. Still a work in progress, but so far not too bad.....

Last edited by ARC-74; January 25th, 2013 at 11:58..
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