Most of what needs to be said about the GHK AKM has been said by Kokanee in his review. But here are the things I am most interested in airsoft, for those of you who are like minded.
First of all: Realsword eat your heart out. This is not an AEG, but if you are into the niche market that is the Gas Blowback, I am thoroughly convinced that there is no other choice. Having owned the WE AKM (mine I turned into an AK-74N), the GHK AKMS is head and shoulders above the WE incarnation.
Part of the reason is the steel (save the barrel, some internals, and bolt carrier) construction. All the little bits one would expect to be steel are. Even the sights, sight bases, trunions, and flash hider. The gun has welded-in rails just like the real AKM, and is built using rivets and pins where possible.
The trigger group is fantastic in its design. It follows the design of the real gun, and is far more realistic, simple, and robust than the WE on the inside. Right down to the SLOT screw on the pistol grip, this gun is amazing because of the attention to detail exacted by GHK (LCT I assume was mostly responsible).
The bolt guide is the AKM variety with the U shaped metal bar. The barrel is threaded on with a unique nut lock design that allows you to very frustratingly set the timing and headspace of the barrel. It's ingenious but requires a bit of skill. Also the pins were damn hard to get out and back in the steel barrel. I found it baffling that they didn't use the real steel folding stock mechanism since there was no gearbox to contend with. All the pieces of it are steel, however, and should hold up.
I upgraded mine with a steel barrel, real Russian NOS stock set, and an early AKMS flash hider. I always thought the slant flash hider was sexy, but I've since changed my mind and prefer the old look. I also weathered it a bit.. AKs are not meant to look like Ferraris.