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Old January 16th, 2013, 15:12   #1690
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Special Thanks for ILLusion!

Little story:
Today i am looked for original photos of Kimber SIS Custom RL (to start\think about to build one based on HurricanE Kit). The main problem is page is gone from the official Kimber site and i can't get reference image (like i did before with Desert Warrior). Only one official source of it - Kimber Catalog (2009 year) and Kimber itself (their archives or something like that). And there was a pic (on page #25), so that mean photos was actually taked. But how get original images then they gone from official site? The answer on that quiestion is easy (and stupid) - Google! But not usual way we are know about (typing "search words" like: "Kimber SIS Custom RL photos" and hit Enter button). The advanced one - take a screenshot from the Kimber catalog (2009) of Kimber SIS Custom RL and upload it to a Google! Let Google do all the job (which it's fail of course. LOL!). Anyway, Google founded small pics (250x250) which was posted directly from the official site and have original way on it and file name! So, now i have file name "large_sis_custom_rl.jpg". AWESOME! Going to google again and copy and paste name to it and hit Enter again! BINGO! First link and High-res image of SIS Custom RL... Looking on user profile... WTH - ILLusion! It's roll me back in past when i am looked for help with my Desert Warrior.

So, as part of "thanks giving" i am sharing some nice photos with people.

High-res Kimber Desert Warrior (1040x920)

High-res Kimber Custom Covert II (1200x1200)

High-res Kimber Tactical Entry II (white background)

Last edited by T[]RK; January 16th, 2013 at 15:34..
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