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Old January 11th, 2013, 12:25   #52
"bb bukakke" KING!
Join Date: Jul 2011
Location: Ottawa
if you are shimmed properly and not too tight, a new motor may be in order. I have not used them myself but the reputation of g&p 120s among more technical tuners is not terribly great. It just doesn't have the torque to compare to a neo maget motor.

cheapest one you can find would be SHS motor, but they're a bit more power hungry, and since you have an AK and battery space is limited, maybe a more power efficient motor would work, jg blue or lonex a1 to a3.

Originally Posted by Bar1975 View Post
So i just slapped the G&P M120 motor back in this thing and the same thing is happening. Only the 11.1 Lipo will turn it over and shoot anything.

I have a decent quality crane stock 9.6V 2000Mah and even that wont get this thing to fire.

So with the new M120 Spring it appears the only battery that will turn over any kind of motor i currently own is a lipo.. that's insane is everybody else running M120's and NiMh batteries? Not everybody swears by Lipos..

Is it possible i'm not seeing the real issue here? Could it be shimming that is too tight maybe? Should i crack this thing open again and start looking for tightness/friction in other areas? (damm though.. i've polished the GB piston rails.. lightened the piston.. shimmed the gears to what i guess is an ok job )

what else do i have to do!! LOL!!!

This little gun is quickly working itself into a spare parts only gun..
I futz with V2s, V3s and V6s. I could be wrong... but probably, most likely not, as far as I know.
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