Originally Posted by -Skeletor-
Do you have ALICE or M67 mag pouches?
I have 3 m67 pouch and one m56 with a m56 base
Originally Posted by -Skeletor-
Why the handset/mic? Doesn't look like you have a ruck(with a radio) on.
I got a repro CIDG ruck on !
Originally Posted by -Skeletor-
Can't really tell, but is your boonie ERDL or woodland?
Bad repro ERDL
Originally Posted by -Skeletor-
How is your webbing set up? Do you have any bandoliers?
From left to right : 2X M67 20rds, Cantene-----Canteen, M56 ammo, M67 30rd. I have a bandolier but my 20 rouders are in there pouches
Originally Posted by -Skeletor-
If you wanted to, you could also get some OD guntape/100mph tape to camo up the rifle. As well as securing or removing the front sling swivel so there's no noise.
Will sure do
[quote=-Skeletor-;1745124]Well, the Marines really don't have any insignia too wear. And the insignia they do have(pin on rank and qual badges*) seems to only be worn in garrison. Not sure how common it was to have the EGA stamp on the shirt pocket though, seems pretty mixed(of having/not having) in the photos I've seen. I think they only started wearing USMC tapes and name tapes on their uniforms in the '90s.
Thanks for the Info ! I never saw any EGA on marine shirt in VN.
Originally Posted by cooney
Is that a Brown dominated ERDL or post Vietnam war ERDL?
Its a brown dominant shirt (1970) and a green dominated trousers (1969).