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Old January 6th, 2013, 08:50   #74
Derpystronk's Avatar
Join Date: Oct 2010
Location: Southern Ontario
Hi everyone. My name is Delta and I suffer from Chronic Airsoft Social/Purchasing Disorder. I'm addicted to Airsoft so much that just to participate in a topic on ASC's front page I sold my username for charity. I'm now stuck wearing over sized women's underwear just so I can match with my ASC account. I do not download Tapatalk because I want to truly feel the real Airsoft Canada.

While I haven't bought a gun in ages I've been buying accessories. Lights, ir lasers, excessive night vision. It's bad. I caught myself looking at buying a gun, so I could buy a scope, so I could buy a laser, so I could put a night vision unit I don't yet own on it, and then water transfer it all ATACS. I haven't slept in weeks. I can only see the colour green now.

MILSIM OpSec is more important to maintain than my Sex Life OpSec.
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