It will all come down to what the team, host, group, or airsofter in charge is trying to do. Honestly though you will see a lot more of this sort of thing, "game restrictions". I'm not talking about how many high capacity magazines are allowed, as that it up to the game or field owners/organizers. Serious milsims are starting to go to things like no high-caps whatsoever, camo restrictions, even kit restrictions. It's not even about realism, but sport dynamics. For some realism is important, for others it may be sportsmanship, and for those trying to get as far away from the toy aspect as possible.
As long as no laws are broken and sportsmanship is held to a high standard, who cares how a group plays, or with what equipment. That's of course as long as both sides respect the other. I can play at a game where high caps are allowed, because it's within the rules, as long as those who run high caps don't cry at a game where they are not allowed.
I have developed a new sport called Airhard. Pretty much the same as Airsoft, except you have to maintain an erection...