Originally Posted by Aper
How about rubberized BBs covered in plastic ? Like a mini golf ball ? These bastards go the distances even with a minimum of force needed.
golf balls fly far due to the dimpling on its surface, not from the materials it's made from. the materials only contribute to efficient energy transfer from the club face to the ball. with out the dimpled surface, a golf ball would only fly 3/4 the distance it normally would. the dimples create a thin layer of laminar flow over the surface of the golf ball, lowering its aerodynamic drag.
rubber BBs could be very interesting. if they are made from stiff enough rubber, they would not compress in the barrel, but would still survive impacting a hard surface. that could mean reusable BBs, but that economic model would not fly with the BB manufacturers. impact force calculations would stay the same.
a soft rubber BB would not compress laterally, but around the axis of rotation due to the hopup induced back spin. it could amplify the hop effect and make for a more stable BB flight.