Which one should i get?
So im looking for a new GBBR, an M4 platform and i was looking at getting the KWA LM4 cuz its cheaper then any other M4 gbbr and apparently the most reliable. But i was also looking at the King Arms M4 RIS or the KJW M4, i dot know much about KA but it looks fine. I know the KJW is the most reliable but also the most expensive. and i like how the KWA and the KA have higher capacity mags. So whcih one should i get, just getting a second opinion, thanks
-KSC 1911A1
-Umarex springer P99
-WE M92 Marine grip - custom painted
-KWA M11A1 NS2
-Planet Eclipse Etha w/ Dye Rotor, Guardian 68/4500 tank