Havent had it that long, so i cant give you long-term reliability, but heres my thoughts.
Good pistol, decent power, great recoil.
1) Classic KJW Magazine Leak (yes its true) - As said above, tighten the bottom allen key screw and give the orings a lot of silicone (and a little time to absorb it) and it should stop. - Also search this forum, there are a bunch of posts for leaky mag fixes.
2) Fitment is a little loose with the slide - i expected a little more from a Les Baer (even if it is a replica) - real Les Baers are super tight on tolerances and there is absolutly no wobble, so maybe i had my hopes a little too high
3) The Pistol came with a bunch of gunk on one side of the slide, and it was bone dry on the other (perhaps due to the side it was shipped on). Would recommend cleaning it completely and re-lubing before extended use. - This may also solve the 'markings' on the silver trigger you are experiencing - my similar 'markings' on the trigger were simply oil and dirt (i think).
For the Orange Tip Removal
Orange Tip Removal: (Using Dremel or Rotary Tool)
1) Dissassemble and seperate outer barrel. (put the other pieces far away from your work station)
2) Dremel - Cutwheel bit - Cut the orange tip off at the 'line' where the orange starts (youll see a small indented line around the tip where the paint starts for the orange). I used a protractor and a book to keep the dremel bit perpendicular.
1a) when this step is done, dust everything off and clean it and put it back together (so you know whether u cut off too little or too much and can see the general look of the finished product with the modified barrel)
1b) Dissassemble again for step 2
2) Dremel - Metal filing wheel bit - polish and even until 90 degrees to side of the barrel, go slowly and do small arcs around the outer barrel or you may take off too much.
3) Dremel - Brass Brush bit - polish and remove burrs, also remember to polish the inside of the outer barrel as some silver and orange paint is sprayed in there during manufacturing, cutting off the orange exposes more of it to the light, by removing it with the brass brush it will leave you with a shiny silver interior and not hurt or scratch the outer barrel
4) Dremel - Polishing (Cotton) Wheel bit with polish compound - shine to finish (if desired - i left mine a little more matte)
TOTAL TIME: Less than 15 minutes
No pics of my finished product on this computer, but ill post some when i can. As the post above stated, when its finished, it looks like it was meant to be this way.
Also as said before TM 1911 mags will work with the KJW (and are black instead of silver - if that matters).