Originally Posted by Shaner
Hmmm....makes you wonder how flashbangs would work in a game??? No bb's in those, but they sure as hell pack a wollop and incapacitate ya for a good 10 seconds...
Badly, that's how. You can't intentionally blind or deafen someone. There are loud fireworks that emit a loud clap, and a bright flash; but I don't think I'd throw one at somebody. Decibel level is important to take note of. If your ears are left ringing, your grenade needs to be dumbed down. We've had home made ones you light, but indoors they can start a fire; so I wouldn't recommend that. Unless of course you have a reasonable fire fighting plan just in case. Throwing glowsticks, nerf balls, or whatever stupid object you've decided is a grenade is hilarious and mock worthy. If someone throws a glowstick at you, please throw it back ...but try to hit them.
I don't have an issue with grenades in doors at all. Most milsims I've attended allowed their use, but it had to go bang and spray BBs. General rule of wrist for grenade kills, is a ten foot radius. It's the simplest way, as grenades don't always go off evenly, and hits aren't always felt. If your inside of that radius you can survive by being behind cover. Cover would have to be something that would reasonably shield you from an airsoft gun. Not including riot shields, they don't stop grenades. Then again I'd like to see someone with a riot shield repel automatic fire, lol.