Originally Posted by Thenooblord
and just to clarify, ive seen my share of we 1911s, they do break, and they are not good, the spring plugs and barrel bushing are notoriously weak, and the internals are also sub par quality, the hopup rubber is also very poor, it may break in 50 shots, or 5000 shots, but it WILL break
The first generation of 1911s, 4-5 years ago, had this problem; I have many posts/fixes to the problem. It's been fixed since. I've also had and fixed several WE 1911s and never had one break. They're actually quite robust. You, OTOH, have gone the opposite direction and destroyed a number of guns that were functional. So you should probably keep your "expert opinions" to yourself.
Originally Posted by Thenooblord
eat my ass drake
See what I did there?
Use your time away from the forum to learn how to install an anti reversal latch or something.