Originally Posted by ShelledPants
Hitting the slide lock to return the gun to battery, without first manually pulling the slide to the rear, will cause unnecessary wear on the slide lock. This is applicable to real firearms and airsoft. Long term wear will prevent the gun from slide lock on the last round fired.
I did not know this. I can release the slide really easily with my thumb, so when I insert my mag with my left hand (I'm a righty), I just press the release with my thumb, as I move my left hand a couple inches into place on the grip. Power stroking is an added movement that I thought I could replace with with the slide release.
Is the wearing down a quick occurrence, or does it develop over years? (I know it depends on the materials, model, and all that, but in general...)
As for the mag catch being switched around, I see it a bit on KJW M9s. Apparently the mag catch gets worn out, and doesn't hold the mag in place, so if you switch it around, the non-worn side of the catch now holds the mag in place.