It is legal to import CERTAIN airsoft guns - ones that fall into the category of uncontrolled firearms as opposed to replica firearms, which are PROHIBITED DEVICES. For details, get age verified, or do some research. Use the search button, google, or read the CFC website.
However if you do choose to import, the onus may be on you to prove to the CBSA agent that it is not in fact a prohibited device that you are importing, and I've heard stories of that taking years to clear customs. Hell last time I ordered a few hop up rubbers and it literally took a full year before I received them.
In other words, don't do it. There are plenty of Canadian retailers around, buying from them ensures that you will actually receive what you paid for.
Last edited by pestobanana; November 29th, 2012 at 03:00..
Reason: typo and changed a sentence