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Old November 27th, 2012, 00:03   #8
Join Date: Apr 2011
Location: SoCal, USA
Originally Posted by wingsuit View Post
I'm more looking for weight and feel, and ability to put my same optics on it. for me I just want to fire when I pull the trigger and have a safety selector (care less about a functioning bolt) its more about being able to set up some targets in the basement and pratice handleing firing, safety on, and transioning to pistol with something that feels the same as my real on days I cant make it to the range. its not a substitute for the real thing, just a supliment.

the desire for pmags was just because its what I currently run on my ar's
I don't know how much AR's cost in Canada, but here in the US the cost of putting together two custom AEG's to match your rifles would probably run greater than buying a third rifle.

A couple of comments regarding your needs listed above:

Fire selector manipulation feel on an AEG will never match that of a real steal (RS) AR. The RS will have significantly more friction in the selector lever than an AEG. The selector friction of my KWA LM4 comes closer to that of my RS AR's, but my AEG's aren't even close.

Getting a comparable weight will be possible, but chances are that the weight will be distributed differently than on your RS rifles. Might be an issue, might not.

Forget dropping an airsoft mag. I can drop my RS PMag's all day without issue, but dropping an airsoft mag is asking for trouble (and don't even think about dropping any GBBR mag on a concrete floor...).

Based on your comments above, you'll probably be better off practicing in the basement with your real firearms (without shooting, obviously). That way your muscle memory will be patterned on the actual weapons, not mostly similar replicas. What you want to do will work, but I'm not sure you would get your $$ worth from the investment. If you're looking to run room clearing drills against armed opponents, then build a GBBR to match.

Unless you partly want an excuse to build a couple of nice AEG's. Then go for it...
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