Thread: Combat Gearing?
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Old November 21st, 2012, 23:27   #11
OM3GA's Avatar
Join Date: Nov 2012
Location: Orillia, Ontario
Originally Posted by Tman07 View Post
hey guys i was just about to buy a new rail from and i saw some of you think its good to buy from but some of you don't so whats the best idea?? i mean its a 12" rail system that's 51$ and everywhere else it would be 110$. so do you guys think its a good idea to buy it???
Assuming you mean the LaR Style 12" Handguard rail it is most likely produced by big dragon or some other Chinese manufacture. Not that there is anything wrong with that but there is a price difference of almost half for a reason. It won't necessarily function any worse but the finishing, materials, tolerances and over all quality is almost sure to be lower then lets say a rail made by Madbull. Personally I would take the Madbull rail or even a real steel rail over it any day. From the description it sounds pretty decent but I wouldn't expect the same quality, not saying it will be worse for certain but there is a good chance. It all depends on how much you want to spend in the end I guess.

Edit: I just noticed the item codes start with BD and that there is a Big Dragon logo right on the product image.

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Last edited by OM3GA; November 22nd, 2012 at 02:45.. Reason: note added
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