Thread: The Unit
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Old November 17th, 2012, 15:52   #13
Mordarski J.A.
formerly Blinky
Join Date: May 2006
Location: Lindsay ON
Originally Posted by Desmodus View Post
The Unit was okay, some parts about it I wasn't very fond of. I need to watch Season 3 still!

I highly recommend Generation Kill if you want a really good show about the Invasion of Iraq. Personally, I'd stay the HELL away from Over There.
I think everything started to become less than plausible in season four of The Unit, but that's just my opinion. I loved the show regardless.

Generation Kill is awesome because it is a first-hand look at the US invasion into Iraq, and you see what appears to be a more reality-based impression of the troops on the ground. Easily one of my most favourite series to watch!

Over There wasn't a bad, but it is a fictional story with too much drama involved (in my opinion). I own the "first season" (there was only one) on DVD, it's not bad but remember that it is a fictional story.

One that I came across recently (while still trying to find the CBC made-for-tv-movie Peacekeepers) is a British series called Warriors. It's about British troops serving with UNPROFOR in Yugo. I haven't really seen much beyond a couple of clips on YouTube, but I will be looking into finding this on DVD when I get the chance.

My other suggestion is not military related, but why not check out Southland. It's also a fictional story, however it is a police drama set in Los Angeles and it is easily one of the most accurate police dramas to have graced the small screen. While some events are "solved" within a single one-hour episode, they also have cases that they follow throughout the course of the season. The first season is availalbe on DVD (you could possibly find it on Netflix), but I was only able to find seasons two through four via download. Season five is set to start up on February 13, 2013 in case you're interested.
Josh Mordarski
South Manitoba Rifles

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Last edited by Mordarski J.A.; November 17th, 2012 at 15:55.. Reason: Added "Warriors" suggestion.
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