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Old November 15th, 2012, 14:42   #7
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Location: Simcoe, Ontario, Canada
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I have 75,000 rounds through my ICS M4 Sportline over 3 years. I open the gearbox weekly and thus far I have not replaced anything inside the gun from wear or tear. I accidentally broke my hop up and the trigger switch inside the mechbox. But thats because I tinker too much.

I can't speak for the KWA but I believe the ICS to be of very high quality. It came to me and shot just perfect out of the box, it was shimmed well. I give the shim job a 9/10 and it had a very nice light weight grease in the gears.

I use my ICS every weekend as it is my primary. I like it better then my Classic Army Mp5, my AK 249 and my King Arms thompson all of which are steel bodied. None are sport line models. (cept the A&K P.O.S.)
Right now if given the choice of the ICS and any other gun in my arsenal for a first gun, id still take the ICS sportline. Its durable, not too light and it feels sooooooooo smooth when you pull the trigger.

If you don't want to do any upgrades, I really have to suggest the ICS. Mine has been fantastic, and if I wouldnt have been so cheap years ago and got a steel bodied M4, it would have been the last gun I would ever NEED.

Note: Need, not Want.

my .5 cents.
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