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Old November 14th, 2012, 21:40   #12
Join Date: Aug 2012
Location: Squamish, BC
Originally Posted by Thenooblord View Post
i just looked at the pics in your sig, is that a tanaka Luger? nice piece
Not sure what that is. If it is a brand name, the answer is "no". The four "antiques" are all Tokyo Marui. Three are spring types, but the HK-5 is a gas gun. It doesn't work very well, as it freezes up after a few tens of rounds. The gas is "flon gas" whatever that is. I think maybe freon.

I wrote descriptions to go with the photos, but Photobucket is going through a (very painful) re-design these days, and my detailed descriptions got lost in the shuffle. I bought these in Japan during Operation Desert Storm and brought them home in a bag with the following prominent label. "This bag contains plastic replicas of real weapons." There wasn't any reaction that I noticed.
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