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Old November 8th, 2012, 11:19   #53
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Originally Posted by COL.TIKER View Post
So if I show up with a 650mm barrelled AK with a bipod, do I get to carry 600 rounds? Or is it still just an AK and i'm still considered as a rifleman?
Ask the guy putting on the game. But I'm supposing this is just a hypothetical question so you won't have anyone to ask.

I would hope that if it was an experienced host they would pay attention to the way the teams were stacking up.

If your team had a SAW with every other player he'd call you a rifleman.

If you were facing a group with a dozen support weapons with none on your side then the organizer would want to grant you LMG status.

There is no hard and fast rule on this; I have played games though with stacked rules and a not very aware host as I'm sure many other players have too. Throw in teams that are built on the day of the game you can be in for a tough grind.
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