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Old November 7th, 2012, 20:41   #46
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lurkingknight I don't know why you're being so hostile, perhaps someone crapped in your corn flakes but it's not necessary. Obviously we have differing opinions is it necessary to get into a pissing match about it?

If you're not into mil sims that's fine and I never said anything about imposing my thoughts on skirmishers, rather I said the opposite run whatever the hell you want as it's just for fun. Mindless mayhem gets boring after a while so people often try different things but with that said if mil sims aren't your cup of tea that's fine. These types of games do have requirements/restrictions, camo, gear (rigs/camping) and yes gun & ammo limits. Don't like it don't go to that game simple enough.

If you want to bring up your P90 situation fine, if I was playing a game with no limitations and saw you running with your boys armed with a diverse range of weapons it wouldn't bother me one bit. On the flip side, I think it'd be wrong to use a P90 at say a WW2 game or show up in modern camo as that's takes away from the host's desired theme.

Anyway I'm done with arguing with you, if you'd like to flame on I'd gladly entertain you through PMs. We're all adults here so let's act like it.

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