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Old November 7th, 2012, 15:52   #29
"bb bukakke" KING!
Join Date: Jul 2011
Location: Ottawa
Originally Posted by Colin_S View Post
That's a fair point. Still the drum mag is not standard equipment, perhaps it will be but it's not yet. You do see people running M4s with beta C mags in real life too yet those are not allowed at games.
sure. It's not standard issue kit.

What about pmc? They can use whatever the hell they want as long as it works for them. They can grab a standard m4 and put whatever mag they think will work best in their task.

You're approaching this from a rigid military issue perspective. If we play by your definitions, we'd all be using m4s with stanags with m249s that oorah, semper fi, yes sir, no sir, have standard issue kit and everything. Not saying you force it upon us, but that's the direction you're arguing from.

The thread isn't arguing about sticking a giant mag onto a rifle, it's arguing that weapons designed to be support weapons should be allowed to be used as such, as long as they look/feel the part, real life military usage aside. If it's airsoft, and at some point it was made to be used in prototype or in practice to fill a role, we should be able to have some fun with it.

Of course, the day people start carrying phaser rifles around, I'm out. There are some really silly roundabout arguments being used to deter the usage of these light weight platforms designed to be support weapons.

It's pretty clear though, if it's a g36c with a betamag, it doesn't classify it as a mg36. If it's a 416d with a betamag, it's not a m27.

RPK is excluded from this since there's an actual rpk you can buy, but obviously you can't stick a drum on an AK and call it RPK.

It's clear what this thread is asking for in terms of clarification between a rifle and a support weapon.
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