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Old November 7th, 2012, 15:52   #28
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Join Date: Oct 2007
Location: Danger Zone
This MG36 topic definitely seems a bit split personality.

You have a group that wants to use the most realistic fake guns with accurate gear in a team based environment with tactics and all the other "real" procedures.

But then you throw in the AEG in question which isn't a MG36. It's regular G36 with a part changed. Most opinion would be you might as well add a couple guys with aliens pulse rifles and a guy with a flintlock into the mix if you're going down that road.

This being airsoft you see MP5s with drum mags and Soviets carrying M4s and all the other individual choices so at the end of it the answer will have to be if it's OK with who you're playing against and OK with your team then it's OK.

That's a double edged sword of course because if you give this a mulligan then the opposing team may decide to run something you don't like.
Airsoft, where nothing is hurt but feelings.
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