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Old November 7th, 2012, 15:23   #22
ASC's Whiny Bitch
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Location: North York, Ontario
Originally Posted by Colin_S View Post
My criteria is easy.

Is the weapon in question in use or was it in use by any military in the world? The MG36 was not, only had a short production lifetime and has been discontinued. I ran one for a year many years back, I loved it but yeah I felt it was like cheating compared to people running M249/M60s so I stopped and got rid of it.

M27 IAR is not a LMG and it wasn't designed to use a beta C mag.

To each their own though...
Going by that logic, weapons such as Masadas, and a number of other odd weapons and variants would be excluded from use at games.

That said, what you posted is statedly your opinion and I fully respect that as you're not trying to force it on other people. In an ideal world, I'd agree. In an ideal world, I'd also have an entire team at a game standardised and organized

As far as my opinion on this poll goes, yes, I'm fine with it so long as it's a proper MG36 and not just a random G36 series rifle with a beta mag. Same with the Colt LMG, I'd accept that as what it is, an LMG. An M16 with beta mag is not a colt LMG. RPK is the same thing, an LMG, an AK with drum mag is not :P.

So long as one has a true MG36, I don't think one will have any issues
Originally Posted by ThunderCactus View Post
Like seriously dude. The incredible lack of common sense in the question could be scientifically investigated for evidence of a black hole.
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