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Old October 31st, 2012, 00:26   #8
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Join Date: Jul 2008
Location: Victoria, BC
Originally Posted by danceswithpellets View Post
More confused by this lipo business as I read.

So I can fit a 9.6 mini hey? Maybe Ill just get two of those and bring the backup for milsims and stuff.

7.4 lipos supposedly pack great punch and last in cold weather- thats pretty alluring though. I could probably run one of these alright, yes?

Just need a circuit/no blow up gun thingy and an appropriate charger from what Ive read.
Yes, a balance charger (e.g. the ubiquitous B6) and a Li-Po alarm that beeps if the cell voltage drops too low (fire hazard).

I'd suggest Turnigy nanotech from HobbyKing for the 7.4V (2S) batteries and voltage alarm.
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