Does anyone else have one or more of these issues with their V2 bolt?
-Can't empty mag on full auto
-Inconsistent ROF on full auto (bogs down as you hold trigger) might be cooldown related, but it never happened with V1
-Nozzle gets stuck in a forward position on last shot. The bolt carrier locks in its rearward position, but the nozzle is still almost all of the way forward, as if the nozzle return spring isn't strong enough. Does not happen every mag. Unsure of whether or not it actually affects functionality.
-Bolt lock impossible to release. To release bolt, you MUST pull on the charging handle (ride it back slightly and the bolt lock releases). Does not happen every mag.
As you can see by my descriptions these problems are temperamental, but extremely annoying - almost to the point of being ungameable between them all. I have all the V2 parts installed (bolt, bolt lock, buffer) as well as the RATech hop up rubber.
I loved this gun with V1, my V2 makes it suck shit.. hopefully the Cradle carrier will solve these problems.