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Old October 16th, 2012, 11:48   #2
m102404's Avatar
Join Date: Apr 2006
Location: Toronto
Re. WE M4 mags (dunno about the other WE ones). This is on hardwood...not concrete.

When (not if) they land on their lips, they'll break one or both lips. Open bolt are a bit better, but you'll still bust them.

When (not if) they land on their base, they'll "smush" the corners of the base...which actually takes a good bit of the brunt of the impact and still remains usable. Within reason they can be straightened out with pliers.

Some guys were putting those rubber ranger pulls (the loop kind) one their mags and turning them sideways so they could still fill them. Helps a bit...but really only leaves a ranger pull band imprint of a dent in the mag base.

I've put the magpul ones (the "real" ones? made of pliable rubber, not the hard plastic ones) on some of mine. I still try not to drop them, but one the occasion or two that I have they soak up most all the impact for a base hit.

KWA Mp7 mags are both all metal and really heavy. I would not give them much chance of surviving a bad hit.

Switching to more of a mag retention tactical reload is key. Can be done quite quick if you're paying attention to how much you're shooting, prep the next mag, have a good stash spot, etc..
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