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Old October 14th, 2012, 14:50   #6
p.phresh's Avatar
Join Date: Sep 2004
Location: Winnipeg, MB
consider your environment when you plan to use gas.

the colder the environment the less performance you're going to have with gas.

Our local indoor arena isn't heated so gas guns don't perform as well as they should during the colder months. You get the best consistency using an electric gun.

Although if you ask me my opinion, a pistol is one of the best to use in CQB situations, they have the highest mobility, but you are restricted to ammo capacity. But you can generally move faster than the guys using long rifles or SMGs.

If you plan to forego gas pistols and go electric I think the next best option is to go with a short AEG. I'd go with a short custom M4 with a 6 inch barrel/RIS and a crane stock for your battery, or a buffer tube battery. Build it from a plastic body to make it even lighter and more maneuverable. The battery in the rear of the gun will be more balanced than having a PEQ or battery in the grip.
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