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Old October 12th, 2012, 21:10   #1
Join Date: Jun 2011
Location: Manitoba
importing parts vs paying the inflated fees at shops

I apologize if this is in the wrong place, or if I am breaking any rules by asking about this here, but I am looking at buying a PGC slide (this one: I can either buy it in person from my local shop for 120$ plus tax, or order it in from over seas, paying 8$ or 25$ on shipping (for 10-20 day or 3-5 days), then the taxes and duty for importing.

I'm wondering what the better deal is. This is my first time possibly importing and ordering from ehobby/ overseas, so I don't know how much duty or taxes will be. Does anyone have any experience/ advice with this?

Either way I would be ordering the necessary springs and rods from ehobby or redwolf for the slide, would it be more cost efficient just to buy all at once?
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