I noticed nobody answered your original question yet, so if your still wondering about it, I might be able to help you.
Earlier this year, CANSOFCOM came around to our unit on their annual recruiting drive to break the hearts of wannabes and flaunt their infinite budget (true story, the recruiter told me so... :P and since when do recruiters lie?...).
Anyways, all the services (like CSOR, CJIRU, and the tac-hel guys)were there, and there was this one JTF2 Lt wearing black coveralls and had mad sideburns and definitely hadn't had a haircut in a while. He also had a raging case of Franco-tude.
So I have been searching for a similar picture of this JTFdude's style of coverall, but its proving almost impossible, tho I'm not surprised. JTF2's kit procurement is external to that of the rest of the CF (Duh, which explains the confused gaggle of mismatched gear we just endured) so they probably went to some safety products contractor, presented their requirements, and now stride around in comfort, laughing at the rest of us. (I'm not bitter...nope, not a bit)
I'll do my best to explain it: Black coveralls, not a flight suit at all. Two huge rectangular chest pockets, not slanted just vertical. Leg cargo pockets are the same size. Smaller vertical shoulder pockets with velcro only on the fold-over cover. And here's my favourite part.
the outside seams of the chest pockets are left partially open and there's a hidden compartment behind the chest pockets so the wearer can dip his hands in and let them rest there like a t-rex! So you can guess what this guy did the whole time, yeah, he just chilled there with his hands in his comfy little pockets for the entire presentation as we jealously glared. He even spoke his little part about JTF2 with his hands hidden, maybe they're like disfigured, or maybe if he let them free he'd ninjitsu the nearest person. He did it for our own personal safety, how selfless.
Anyways, if you can find a similar coverall, I don't understand why you'd ever consider taking your hands out of your awesome chest pockets to actually play, or do anything other than serve your basic needs. But that's just my 2-cents.
OK, I've met my quota for bitterness this week. Good luck bud.