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Old October 1st, 2012, 00:26   #13
HKGhost's Avatar
Join Date: Nov 2009
Location: Mississauga, ON
The part that's causing the issue is where the bbs come out of the mag. Some mags have a longer bb retainer and it will require the mag to sit deeper into the magwell for that mag to feed. The mag catch hole on the mag should be about the same on all mags. If you glue a piece of something onto the mag catch like stated above, this will raise the mag so it will feed better. What I've done in the pass is to file down the bb retainer a bit and that always worked for me. As a warning though. If you do the filing method, take of a bit at a time. Once you go too far, bbs will no longer be held in and that mag will become useless. Good luck.

Originally Posted by Phantom2k5 View Post
Also as a quick side note. I measured the mag catch hole on the stock G&P mag vs the King Arms they are exactly the same. However the width of the King Arms mag is 1mm shorter than than G&P mag, which gives it a bit more noticable wobble when inserted into the gun. I haven't tested the press forward method but just based on my examinations this looks like it might be the cause if the gun isn't always hitting the pin to release the bb's into the hopper.
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