Juste receive my package; I've search and wait over 8 months to finally find one: FSBEII CIRAS LAND Greentag
I've built my CIRAS on my own personnal feeling, but I will switch the MBITR for the IFAk place's.
Sorry for the crappy pics, better shot will be taking sunday
- FSBEII CIRAS LAND Greentag (Medium)
- Benchmade Nimravus with MOLLE pouch
- FSBEII Smoke pouch
- FSBEII M4 pouch
- FSBEII Triple shingle
- FSBEII Flashbang pouch
- FSBE Double M4 pouch
- FSBEII Grenade pouch
- United Star Deluxe PRC 148 with blade anthenna
I also have my EI RRV with FSBEII pouches
- Tactical Tailor Medical pouch (used in Asthan)
- No name MBITR brand (was suppose to be an LBT, but it's clearly not)
- Benchmade Nimravus with MOLLE pouch
- FSBEII Canteen pouch
- FSBEII Triple shingle
- FSBEII Flashbang pouch
- FSBEII M4 pouch
I also have a brand new FSBEII MBSS, year 2010, but I've a problem wih my pic.
- ''Se conquérir soi-même, c'est conquérir l'adversaire'' -
- Bushido -
придено на меня, и меня приходите назад на вас
''Come at me, and I'm coming back at you''