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Old September 23rd, 2012, 19:50   #14
nickssj21's Avatar
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: Richmond Hill, ON
Originally Posted by gear View Post
hello airsoft canada! my name is billy ( or as my friends call me "gear" or gearek or gear-dick or gear-ting or what ever combination of the word gear + what ever funny/sick/nasty ending you can come up with) and i would like to share my first experience of airsoft.

Now i have done some bbgun shooting in a friends back yard for some time and that got very old very fast. so i thought why not do some research and see if this is something i would like. video after video of awesome snipers/cqc headcams/ and zombies!!! i decided i would jump head first into the sport!

after a long drive to toronto airsoft from hamilton. i know its not that long but when your going to get an airsoft gun, down the street can seem long. the guys at toronto airsoft were very helpful and friendly and had no problem letting me hold/get the feel for any gun i wanted. the only thing i didn't like was he told me about this website and how you need to get age verified and i asked if i could sign up then and there but he told me it would take to long and i should do it at home and come back.... now i just spent almost 700$ cash there on the spot and he couldn't give me 2 minutes to set up a account on this site. (i dont think it even took 2 minutes). kind of an upset.

Billy at home in hamilton with a airsoft gun and nowhere to use it...... not good. not good at all. so looking for a place to play. then blam! i found a place in toronto called ultimateairsoft that was open on my day off. and as far as i know they are open 6 days a week. (down keele then turn on ashwaren). there, there you will find the building were i had some of the most fun in my life. i walked into this place not knowing what i would find.

"hey brother welcome to ultimateairsoft, how you doing" the owner of the arena said shaking my hand. after a few minutes of friendly talking i knew this was a perfect place to pop my destructive cherry (let the record show i did bleed that day but it hurt good...yea'know?" very good size arena with different areas make this a very fast pace game. there is a great open area in the back and some very tight spots in the front. playing a bunch of different games and very VERY little down time these guys running the place really know how to host a great game.

Now my gun was firing to hot (about 430-450 with.20g bbs) they had no problem giving me a hand. 1 spring 15$ (5$ less then toronto airsoft) and 25$ for the service ( half the price toronto airsoft offered to do it for) and in about an hour i had my gun back in my hands... the best part is tho well i was waiting for my gun to be fixed they gave a me a gun to use in the mean time..... i mean really? now thats 100% true customer service (trust me i run an auto shop at the desk so i know customer service) that said i would say that goes beyond customer service. i feel like they wanted me to be part of the game with everyone else so i didnt have to sit and watch and for that i was very thankful.

5-10:45 i played. didn't stop for more then 5 minutes (besides to unfog my goggles) and got a ton of games in from free for all to "get the Colombian drug lord out of jail..yes they have a jail). i plan on going back a few times a month from now on. the field, the games, and most of all the AMAZING customer service made my first airsoft experience one i will never forget.
I've been following airsoft for 5 years now, and turned 18 on Sept. 1. Once I turned 18 I knew what had to be done in life, airsoft just had to be picked up. So that's it, I did my research and found UA. EVERYTHING YOU SAID ABOUT UA IS TRUE! They're amazing at customer service, they're also players just like us. Very friendly, and they helped me out during the entire day. My gun was also shooting hot, so they gave me a G&G M4 rental (which was a solid AEG might I mention !). I just love airsoft, and a big part of that is because my first day of airsofting was an AMAZING exprience. I have to thank UA for that, really .. thank you so much. Also, the players there were SUPER friendly, and I made a lot of new friends. They all gave me tips/hints. ECO team was also there. One of the good friends I made there was phloudernow from ASC. Anyone who hasn't been at UA yet, GO!
"I rather die standing on my feet than to live upon my knees"
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