in a perfect world where pistons don't strip, pot metal doesn't break and mags are sealed... it boils down to this:
If all you play is milsim where realcap matters, gbbr fits very nicely since there usually are ammo restrictions. Everyone plays a slower pace, even the fire fights are generally slower, less ammo means more caution. Cooldown effect is not as big a deal since shots are going to be more spaced out.
If you're going to play a lot of skirmish a GBBR can be outgunned very fast. A guy with 10 midcaps for his aeg even playing conservatively without much spray and pray can outperform and outlast you. 2 AEGs vs 2 GBBRs, means they can outsupress and out maneuver you given they have much more ammo to suppress with.
In a fast firefight where lots of rounds are being exchanged, your mags cooldown and you start loosing power/range, an AEG will then outrange you until your mag can warm back up.
There are still folks that skirmish GBBRs though, and it can be made to work, you just need to work within their operational envelope.