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Old September 17th, 2012, 15:39   #13
Join Date: Jun 2011
Location: Calgary, AB
A short while ago I purchased a Classic Army 1200 rnd box mag (often referred to as a nut-sack). I used it for the first time at a 24 hour game this past weekend. It worked like a charm until I got some dirt or crud in there which jammed up the feed tube something fierce (and right at a critical moment no less). I will now completely dis-assemble the box to ensure that I remove all dirt and crud as that jam was no fun at all.

The things I liked about the mag are as follows:
  • I was very impressed with the compact size of the mag which made it quite easy to fire my SAW from any position.
  • The box is dead easy to fill via the large door/hatch.
  • The spring loaded riser platform is a nice touch as it eliminates noise from loose BBs sloshing around in a half-filled box.
  • The mag kept up with long trigger pulls. Not once did I experience any dry firing due to the mag not feeding fast enough. When I was testing the mag at home I emptied a full mag in one trigger pull and the mag kept pace nicely (I was using a 11.1 V 20 c LiPo).

I was impressed with the mag thought I did note a few short comings:
  • I dislodged the box feed door a few times dumping most of the contents of the box. This is likely the method of ingress of the aforementioned dirt which jammed the feed tube. I will fashion some sort of safety clip or strap over the feed door to ensure this does not happen in the future.
  • The auto-winder often kept spinning/feeding even after it was clear that the feed channel was full. I found myself shutting the feed/power off quite often to avoid possibly stripping the presumably plastic gears inside. A load detecting cut-off for the feed motor would be a nice touch.
  • The 1200 round capacity is not quite enough for really heavy engagements. Providing covering fire for your squad chews through ammo at a fierce rate!

Overall I was very happy with the mag. I would not hesitate to recommend this mag to others.
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