Originally Posted by Blackthorne
You do not need to go to httpS. Going to http will redirect you to httpS:
You do however have to drop the WWW.
Done...Only issue is if people have not set a Callsign, then it will sort by their profile number and come out of sequence.
yeah, your SSL server cert is the culprit. chrome is complaining that the issued site/domain is incorrect. (ops-center.us not ops-center.com). with IE it's much more vague, but looks "scary". no problem when you go to
https://ops-.... but game hosts are probably linking to
https://www.ops-... so everyone is getting SSL errors
also when you edit your profile, editing your weapon list... i can add weapons no problem, can't edit, and the removed is borked. when you try to remove a weapon lower down on the list, it removes the top one instead.