Possible professional training venue!
My wife was bombing around the FESTI (Fire and emergency services training institute) website, yes she's that awesome, by the pearson airport and she found this:
The TL  R is have you ever wanted to raid a 737? Or have full access to an actual professional shoot/fire house with options to rappel if your trained?? Here's your chance! Personally I would be glad to pay $100 for a day. I wouldn't host but it's a pretty cool training Idea. I don't think they would allow force on force stuff but still.
I've been there for a doors open a couple years ago and it would be very interesting to use this facility
Just a thought!
Mods if this is in the wrong spot pls move!
“We sleep safe in our beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit violence on those who would do us harm.”
George Orwell
To those Rough men... Thank You.
Last edited by Ozone06; September 9th, 2012 at 11:32..