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Old September 5th, 2012, 16:43   #975
m102404's Avatar
Join Date: Apr 2006
Location: Toronto're preaching to the choir! And yeah...I do the "Walk in for a hopup rubber...leave after spending $$$) all the time.

But with the "upgrade" parts that have come out for the's just bad. It's almost like the bizzaro-world of when all those really cheap clone parts came out. They look the part, the finish and materials are usually really good vs. crap clone stuff...but they just don't work. And I guess the good/bad part of GBBRs is that you can actually mod/grind/alter parts to make things work (vs. crappy AEG internals). IMO, it's like all these precision parts need to be modded to put some slop into them.

Anyways...such is life...I'm just grumpy and ranting.
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