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Old August 16th, 2012, 00:40   #3
HackD's Avatar
Join Date: Jul 2011
Location: Somewhere between Hamilton Ontario, and Hell..
So many variables, so many varieties of the M4/M16 family to choose from.

I've gone from a virgin new M4A1, to going on to my third revision setup, all within a year. The more that i play with the damn thing mechanically, and in the field, the more that it changes. As such, i'll advise based on my limited, but so far expensive experience.

First.. decide how true to real steel you wish to get in form. Spend many evenings browsing both airsoft forums, and real steel forums eyeballing eye-candy, and identifying the tasty bits that turn your crank, and those that don't. Decide whether you are setting up the rifle for outdoor, longer range, relatively obstacle free use, or whether for indoor CQC'ish use. Tailor your choices based upon that.

Next, spend many more evenings, looking at airsoft parts websites, both domestically and abroad, and start making lists of what you'd like to do with it, based upon the parts you start salivating over, and what seems to work for others in that M4 thread, among other sources. Don't be afraid to eyeball other's M4's at games - most people are glad to talk your ear off about their Gucci'd pride and joy.

Third, say good-bye to any sense of fiscal responsibility.

It all comes down to personal tastes, but i'd suggest paying attention to what works in the hands of actual operators in the field with real steel, and go from there.

Mine started off from a vanilla plain ICS M4A1 14.5" barreled model. I couldn't stand the creaky plastic forestock, so that got changed out to a Noveske RIS, and it all went downhill from there, fast. Latest version is going to be going down to a 10.3" barrel setup, and basically the only thing remaining original is the upper/lower receiver of the gun. By the time the parts get here, I should finally be close to what i want in an M4, in terms of what is aesthetically pleasing and functionally useful to me.

That's all that really counts in the end for airsoft - what works for you.
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