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Old August 14th, 2012, 23:10   #1
Join Date: Aug 2012
Location: Windsor, ON
Building an AKS74

I finally broke down and need to have somewhat of a tactical looking gun.

Usually I run AKs with OD green or wood furniture, and settle with chest rigs and a general conscript/mercenary/insurgent look/loadout. Now I wish to have a more tactical and modern-like load out.

I acquired the Cyma AKM that came with the scope mount, and have replaced the front sight and flash hider with a steel AK74 flash hider and front site (I failed at installing a flash hider :P).

Now my question is: is it at all possible to find a TM spec AKS74 body (an AK74 body with the side folding triangular stock) in Canada, or am I better off to go and just buy an AKS74 and build the gun from scratch? I am short on money, but I do want to get a strong and sturdy body.

FYI: If you're wondering my concept of "Tactical", it's just a few 20mm rails, all black, a forgrip and a flash light. Possibly a small grenade launcher, if I feel up to it.
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