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Old August 9th, 2012, 17:41   #1
Kuji's Avatar
Join Date: Feb 2011
Location: Georgetown, ON
Painted receviers, can collecters get AV'd? WARNING LARGE PICTURES

Hey guys haven't been active in a while. Anyway last time I was here we had a discussion about painting the clear lower frames of my cansoft KJW MEU and M9 GBB's. Done. I used Krylon Black plastic paint paint then finished it off with flat clearcoat. Here is the result:

Also for the M9 i picked up a a G&G tracer unit, had to buy the threaded barrel and a thread adapter, but I love the look of the gun:

Anyway next month I will turn 18 and I will be able to be AV'd. Now I think of myself as an airsoft collector, not a skirmisher. I prefer to own the guns and fire off a couple shots (in my mom's basment ;p), and not go to games, don't have the time to go. So is somebody who just collects the guns still able to be AV'd? Thanks men.

Stark Arms (VFC) Glock 17
Tokyo Marui 1911 MEU
KJ Works M92FS
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