Originally Posted by The Saint
I might enjoy the idea of scenarios, ammo restriction, LARPing and dressing for the part as best as I could, but what if I don't have the money to invest in sufficiently authentic gears, want to use precisely what fits in that era or want to wait 5 hours between combat?
I couldn't agree with this more, as it perfectly describes my situation. I'm in the slow process of purchasing combat gear for myself, and money is restricted, if not nessicarily tight for me.
I'm a SWAT tactical style junkie myself, so all my gear I'll be buying will mirror that. My arsenal, such as it is, consists of an M9 and my M4 should be here soon. So far I play exclusively at the indoor arena here in Winnipeg called XTreme Tactics. In this setting its all about CQB.
At the same time, I'd love to spend a day or two out in the field on an operation, but theres no concievable way that I'm going to go out and purchase a full set of field cammo and a second vest system because the olive drab pants and shirt I picked up for $30 contrast with my black vest rig. And that doesn't cut it with the guy who broke up with his girlfriend so he could spend more time on his ghillie suit, so I don't get to play? Where do people draw the line?
And where do the SWAT wannabies fit in between the MilSim'rs and the Skirmishers?