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Old July 14th, 2005, 15:21   #40
Le Roi des poissons d'avril
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Join Date: Dec 2003
Location: Terrebonne, Québec
Originally Posted by Brian McIlmoyle
What about this,

a 24 hour op,

one team in defense, one in offense

game starts at sundown, 10 hours of Milsim, patroling to probe the defense,
defense setting out ambush patrols, and listening points to defend their position and keep the offense from figuring out their defensive plan.

Next day, all out assault on the defensive team ( reinforced with "skirmishers")
by the offensive team, reinforced with "skirmishers" based on the intel gathered by the patrols over night.

Run an assault on a prepared position game,
then counterattack against a hasty defense.

Then finally.. retreat in order

So, two games really.. one "hardcore" night op Milsim, followed by loads of shooting, and run and gun, but linked and enough fun for everyone?
It's hard enough to have people showing on time one day and staying for the whole time, especially a 24h game that involve all night action. Having a 2 part game that depend on the first part to be completed, it's just to risky of failure.

I see only 2 solution:

-Make games that will acomodate both style of play
-Don't come to milsims if you don't like it, same for skirmishs.
If you come anyway, don't complain and follow the teams.

Paintball got segregation: recball and speedball. Let's not fall into this shit too.

Vérificateur d'âge: Terrebonne
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